Thursday, August 18, 2011

trouble posting comments

I've been through help menus to no avail. I am reading blog posts, I'm jsut unable to post comments.

Doc - I agree.  I was a bit skeptical, but I used "Top Cat" with my 7th graders for literary terms, and they really enjoyed it.  I, too, think I'll use them more often.

I really liked the "alphablocks" activity, and can see where it could be used in the content areas as well.

Beth - I was reading your post about DIBBLES - I have had to explain about that to some team mates when they saw it in an SST file.  At least I know HOW to explain!  The work you do in elementary school certainly gives us middle school teachers good information on our kids.  Thank you.


  1. Are you following the blogs you want to comment on? You have to sign in, then click comments. A box opens saying "Post a Comment." Enter the comment and select your google name from the "Comment As" box. Click "post Comment" and another box will appear with a code to type. Once you complete that step, your comment should be posted. Let me know if it works!

  2. This may or may not work for you... but it did for me. When you first sign in to Google, make sure that the "stay signed in" box is NOT checked. I was having trouble commenting and I found that tip in the help section. For some reason, if the "stay signed in" box is checked it prevents you from being "signed in" under the comments section. I hope that made sense!!!
