Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Children's Reading Foundation- http://www.readingfoundation.org

I found this site while looking for information on corrective reading for middle school.  I seem to find most of my stuff by accident!  Anyway....It has pages for parents and educators. 

On the parent page, it gives a list of what the average child should be able to do at certain points prior to pre-K.  Clicking on "school age" will give checkpoints for K-3rd.  It also has a page of ideas for grandparents, typical rhymes (nursery rhymes), etc.   

The section for educators is anything but fluff.  It's a very to-the-point long list of exactly what the current situation is and what each level - superintendent on down - needs to do to make things better.  They were very specific as to what they saw as a lack of emphasis at the system level, board/superintendent attitudes, principals, and teachers. 

Just like we were saying in class tonight, some things may have to be cut to give the students the time they need to make necessary gains ( pet projects, social networking, and so forth).


  1. That is an interesting website. Did it provide anything for middle and high school reading? Have you been to the University of Kansas to look at their links on strategy instruction. There are some excellent presentations by Don Deschler that address facets of adolescent literacy.

  2. I looked and most of what I saw was directed more to saying "this is why you have a problem and everyone has to get on board to fix it".
