I took most of my lower Lexile students and gave the word list test earlier this year. This particular student came up with around 3rd grade level before she hit frustration. That was pretty much where he/she tested last year on the CRCT. That group in third period is the one I've been looking at for the small group.
There are three kids in that group: One is the one I tested, one is ESOL, the other one I'm not sure about. Sometimes she seems able to function above her Lexile rating, other times not.
The student I tested with the word list is the one I gave the reading test to. I used a second grade expository passage, had the child read aloud, and allowed look backs. The oral reading was okay, showing this was an independent passage. BUT - based on the comprehension questions this is the child's instructional level. The student can call the words fairly well, but the comprehension component shows there is a gap. One telling comment the student made was, "You know how it is when you read - you just don't remember most if it." Ouch! That says she needs to read - pause-reflect adn see if that increases her recall of what she has read. All three of the group members will be learning that technique.
Keep us posted on how things are going. The activity choices I will give next week include ELL activities.